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Data Transfer Rates – Copper is limited to the 300' (ft.) range before significant signal degradation sets in. Whereas multimode fiber can service 100gb data rates up to 1300' (ft.), where single mode fiber carries 10gb well over 12 miles. Fiber cabling is the preferred method for distances over 300' (ft.), between the MDF and IDF or remote location, such as a workshop, warehouse, guard post.
Higher Bandwidth yields better performance. Bandwidth needs increase every year with added technologies such as VOIP, Video Conferencing, Security Cameras, Remote File Backup, Cloud Computing, even Remote Energy Management (Smart Grid Systems), etc. All of this eats up bandwidth quick which can slow the speed of your network.
Fiber Optics has many performance advantages over copper. Based on light (photons) vs electromagnetic waves (copper), fiber has faster speeds, higher bandwidth, is not susceptible to electromagnetic fields, allows data to travel at much greater distances and offers better security.
Non-Conductive - Unlike copper made cables, fiber is made of glass. Therefore, it has no metallic properties. Cables that do have metallic properties are at high risk for EMI, Electromagnetic Interference.
Environment – Fiber Optic cables are resistant to corrosion that is often a burden on copper cables. Fiber can withstand most harsh weather environments.
Increase the security and speed of your network
Fiber optic cabling is the preferred choice for many businesses, but it involves several complex tasks. Without the help of an experienced contractor, you risk having an improperly installed cabling system that slows down your network, creates maintenance headaches, and leads to hidden costs down the road.
Solutions2’s technicians are licensed and insured in the state of Georgia to successfully and safely install your fiber optic cabling system. They’ll perform a thorough survey to select the perfect fiber cable and the most efficient installation method for your business. No matter the size or complexity of your project, we have the expertise to complete it on time and well within your budget.
What’s included in our fiber optics cabling services: